Best Value for CWL Medals

CWL Medals: Tier List

High Value:

- Book of Fighting on 14d - 18d Lab Upgrade

- Book of Building on 14d - 18d Building 

(CC is the best value as it is a permanent offensive upgrade for the duration of your TH)

Medium Value: If you Wanna Focus on Heroes

- Builder Potions with at least 1 hero upgrading

Builder potions will always give more bang for your buck when upgrading 1 or more heroes along with the rest of your builders working on defenses

Bad Value: Never Do These

- Builder potions with NO hero upgrading

(Unless Maxed)

- Hammer of Spells

- Hammer of Heroes

(Unless Emergency for war)


Ignore if you dont like numbers

Hero Hammers:

5d14h Hero Upgrade = 0.81 hours per CWL medal (7d timer + 20% discount)

6d Hero Upgrade = 0.87 hours per CWL medal (7.5d timer + 20% discount)

6.4d Hero Upgrade = 0.93 hours per CWL medal (8d timer + 20% discount)

7d Hero Upgrade = 1.02 hours per CWL Medal (FTP upgrade)

7.5d Hero Upgrade = 1.09 hours per CWL Medal (FTP upgrade)

8d Hero Upgrade = 1.16 hours per CWL medal (FTP upgrade)

Builder Potions:

1 builder pot with 5 Builders = 1.5 total builder hours per medal, total

3 heroes, 2 buildings = 0.9 hero hours per medal + 0.6 building hours per medal

4 heroes, 1 building = 1.2 hero hours per medal + 0.3 building hours per medal

1 builder pot with 6 Builders = 1.8 total builder hours per medal.

3 heroes, 3 buildings = 0.9 hero hours per medal + 0.9 building hours per medal

4 heroes, 2 buildings = 1.2 hero hours per medal + 0.6 building hours per medal

Hammer of Fighting or Building on:

14d timer = 2.8 hours per medal (more than 2x efficient as hammering an 8d hero timer)

16d timer = 3.2 hours per medal

18d timer = 3.6 hours per medal

19d timer = 3.8 hours per medal

20d timer = 4.0 hours per medal

Note: Fighting/Building hammers are actually less value if you have gold pass.