We update these periodically, if your question is not here please just ask a co-leader!

Are donations quick?
Yes, for the most part. Our membership is split over lots of locations so there is normally someone online. If you are in need of a quick donation, ask in your clan chat or joint chat so someone can jump on quickly.

Donation rules
Donations are not mandatory, but we expect you to return clanmate donations with your own if you can. If you are receiving lots of troops, then this is important. Your ratio shouldn't be worse than 1:5 unless you are very low TH. If you are seen with a very low donation ratio, a staff member may ask you to slow down on requesting, or donate more to make up for it

Why do you have so many clans?
We have a lot of members at different skill levels, so in order to host as many as we can are split up over 8 different clans. 

Why are there so many staff?
Each staff member has a specific role to oversee certain parts of the clans, so we don't get too stressed/tired. We are all here to help you though! Our staff are outlined in promotions-and-ranks 

Can my rushed account join?
Short answer, it depends. Long answer; yes, depending on the stage of the rush and what clan you want it to join. Severely rushed accounts are barred from warring or CWL. Rushed accounts can war under extenuating circumstances, please consult with your clan lead to confirm if you can war. Rushed accounts are only used in CWL if we are desperate.

I've been kicked, can I re-join?
That depends on the reasons for being kicked. You should appeal by contacting your clan lead, you can see who that is at staff-introductions. If you disagree with them, you can contact the COC Lead @MissChief, if you disagree with him please contact @Obama.

How do wars work?
The war strategy will be posted in your clans war channel. If you cannot see a strat, please ask before attacking. You'll be given reminders by our bot to attack. You must always use at least one attack. Your second attack should be used to clean up lower for 3 stars, or to hit for the loot bonus higher up. You will not be punished for missing 1 attack if there was no one to attack, and nothing to gain. It’s also OK to skip 2nd attack if it’s a clear win. We would still encourage you to use both though as much as possible, for extra war win loot bonus. If you fail to do either attack, you will either be subbed out, demoted, or kicked. On your second offence you may be kicked. If you can’t make either attack just let us know and we will not hold it against you. You should always read the war strategy first, as it may differ to this information.

How does CWL work?
You'll be notified a week before CWL starts that you should be ready to opt in or out. We start wars at around 5pm GMT/1pm EST/6PM BST. Please translate this into your own time. We start on the same day CWL starts, but not immediately so people have a chance to opt in. There is a small gap between the last normal war and when CWL starts. If you want to compete OPT IN. Once you are in the CWL, please alter your opt in status on a day by day basis if you can't do a war one day. Also, make sure you tell us if you want to be opted out. You can do this by contacting your clan lead, or by asking in your clan chat in Discord.

How do clan capital weekends work?
We don't assign specific targets, you'll get one reminder when we start the raid with some basic instructions, and then you'll be on your way. We tend to start an hour or two on the first day, it won't be instant due to staff obligations. All your attacks must be used during a raid weekend, we don't have specific strategies yet, so please ALL communicate with each other in your clan capital room. If you start a district, you must finish that district. Please ask/check with all of us in clan capital rooms for strats and tips