
Apply for a promotion

Standard Staff Positions

We encourage all members to apply for promotions when they feel ready. You can apply for promotions by using the below form.
You can see all of the available roles below this message and apply by using the link. Make it clear which position you're applying for.

Current Positions Available
Co-leaders (various)
War Lieutenent x1
Recruiter x2 

You can learn more about what each staff member does and what you'd be in for, by scrolling down and reading our roles and responsibilities. You can see our staff hierarchy at the very bottom of the page, or in our Discord server in the #staff-introductions channel.

Senior Staff positions

The Senior Staff team is the centre for the clan's key functions. Each senior staff member oversees a team or function, which then lead back to the owner. We often promote to senior staff from our standard staff after around 6 months, if not more.

To become senior staff, you either need to be applying to take an existing vacant role, or with a proposal for a new team function within the family. If you have an idea of a team and how you can help Peak, then definitely consider applying. We're always looking for new and exciting ideas.

Current Positions Available
Community Manager x1

You can learn more about what each staff member does and what you'd be in for, by scrolling down and reading our roles and responsibilities. You can see our staff hierarchy at the very bottom of the page, or in our Discord server in the #staff-introductions channel.

Roles and responsibilities


Owner - Obama

Manager - Moshjike

Stakeholder - Smith

Clan Management

Clan Co-ordinator - TBC

Senior Peak Advisor - MissChief

Clan Chief (All clans)


Operations Team

Operations Lead - CVoorm

Automation Lead - Umpqua

Project Manager - Irabmal

Server Manager - Jax and Class

Social Lead

Social Manager


Recruitment Lead - Monty


War Team

War Staff (General/Lieutenant) - Adrian & Team

E-Sports Manager - BamaAU

Community Team 

Community Manager - Wolf Slaier

Community Team