Merge with Peak

What is a merge?

A merge is where an existing and established clan joins the Peak family clan, and works together with our management and with our staff. There are pros and cons to every merger and we've worked hard to make sure a merge with us is straightforward. We want our mergers to be easy and simple to understand, and this page will explain how we work and how to apply.

What do we judge your clan on in a merge?

We have a tried and tested method to judge prospective clans, using a tool to put a numerical "grade" to your clan, and by monitoring the actual day to day happenings. Some of the key points we look at, are below.
Clan Level

Capital Level

Member Count

Existing requirements

War (CWL) League

Average TH level

Amount of players on Discord

Clan game performance

Donation amounts

We put these details into our Merger Calculator to give us a feel on your in game performance in a number format.

What do we offer in your merge to Peak?

There are lots of upsides to a merge. We've listed the main ones below, but the main benefit is having our experience and expertise to pull on, to help develop your clan. We don't take sole ownership of your clan, and there is always a method to back out should you wish to. A merger is more of a joint partnership between us, rather than you getting new bosses!

Monthly Giveaways

Membership Referral Rewards

Training Sessions with Pros

Friendly Tournaments

B2B Wars w/ strats provided

Very active Discord, average 1000 messages per day

Membership Recognition Program

Free Burntbase Subscription

Peak Minecraft server

Access to a steady and constant stream of recruits

A professional approach to your clan, ensuring we go at a comfortable pace

An exciting change for your existing members and for yourself! 

So, how does the merge work?

At the beginning of the process, you'll raise a senior staff ticket in our server under the #apply-to-join section, and start by providing us some basic information about your clan. One of our senior staff will DM you to discuss, and understand how you work. We'll do some research on your clan and your stats, and we'll share this with other senior staff so we can build up a picture.

Over the next week, we'd setup some tracking to understand where your clan is excelling, and where it might be falling behind. We don't do this to be mean, it's just so we know where we can best offer assistance, and if we're the right clan for you to merge into. We'll send an account over to join you and watch how you work as well, just to make sure our personalities will match ok!

If we both decide we want to proceed with a merger after this time, we'll start to discuss the terms of the agreement. This is fairly straightforward, and includes which co-leaders will join our staff teams, any clan specific rules you do/don't want, and an agreement on how your clan will work with us, either as fully owned by Peak, or more independent.

On the day of the merge, you'll have your own clan channel section and member roles. We'll setup a special ticket system for your members, so they can join and register with ease. They'll be able to see their section, and the joint peak chats including all our exclusive features. Your members will have to join the Discord and we typically assign 30 days to onboard all members. Your Discord section will have clan wars, clan games and clan capital reminders pre-built for you, and will have the full support of the other co-leaders.

Some of your staff will be permitted to become staff with us, but we typically only bring on 2-3 new staff members per new clan, but allowances can be made. This is because all of our co-leaders help out across all our clans, so we want to ensure that any new staff members is suited to that position. 

So, now you're in peak. What happens next?

From our side, we expect you to keep up with the day to day running of the clan, such as wars, clan capitals and most importantly, communication with us. We'll recruit for you constantly and help arrange CWL, clan games and get you involved in our events.

Sounds great! But aren't you a bit bias?

Yes, we're very bias. We'd love for you to apply, but we can back up our statements. We've asked our existing merged clans to provide some comments on how they found the merger process, what worked, what their concerns were, and how it all went down. You can click on each one below and have a read - I can confirm that we did not influence their comments!

Happy with all of that?

Join the Discord and raise a senior staff ticket in apply-to-join. We'll get started from there!