3Star Monsters - Ice Witch

A Peak Merger testimony by Ice Witch

A merge for me was really hard because I’ve been burnt by large alliances. Infact the one I was in before here is the reason I made my own clan…

I was extremely reluctant to even talk about doing a merge tbh bc I was not going to have my members talked to the way I was spoken to!

First sumer reached out and asked how I felt about it and I instantly shut it down… due to overall opinions about mass clan set ups like this…. Then Miss chief took a crack at it she actually told me to just give it a shot and withdraw if needed..

That’s when I met Obama

-I was concerned bc we had just under went a split so only had about 30-35 members 

- majority of the members weren’t on discord nor had any inclination to get on discord

-plus was worried about the policies and the strictness of the clan due to past experiences (this group would kick people who where getting 3 stars in war bc they used spam armies like witches not the best environment being a new th and only knowing witches 😅)

Obama and miss chief gave me a month to get members on discord ported in their accounts to speak and help them understand why 

They also replaced the members that I lost with solid active members bc of the recruitment process that Monty has in place

They gave the clan time to adjust to the new rules and when something is an issue they bring it up to me rather then just going after members to check on why for example exams, military like what actually is going on.

Also they have provided me with extreme support I had a vacation planned they gave me a donation account and handled cwl while I was out, another time I needed work on my phone and they quickly stepped up

It was rough sailing starting out mainly bc I was very closed minded at first but willing to try it and bc I wouldn’t reach out due to being skeptical about the process

But any issues that happened in discord chat (it’s like a global chat we have for the server) we’re handled immediately

And they reach out and check in to make sure the transition is smooth 

This was by far one of the best choices i made for the clan

The only thing I wish for is more competitions and ways to engage members however both these are being actively worked on