Peak mini

Peak mini

About the clan


Clan description

Peak Mini, just like Feeder, was thought to be the "last" Peak clan, and as such we named it mini and set it as TH3+, as the ultimate training ground for new recruits that came in. We've kept this theme going, and mini is a fantastic clan for newer players who want to progress in a chilled environment. We win most of our wars, but make sure to help you out as you develop. Nowadays, we accept TH9+ players.

Like the other Peak Dynasty clans, we do back to back wars, max clan games, and have a strong clan capital. We have a slightly lower TH composition, but offer good donation rates.

Peak Mini is an extremely active and friendly clan with fantastic war log and donations. If you like the sound of hanging with us, apply through the Discord.

Clan Chief

RbK0 - RbK0_#3157

Hey, I’m RbK0 but most people just call me RB, I’m 20 years old from the UK. I only really got back into CoC about 3 months ago after having a rushed th10 many years back- so I’m not the best at the game. However I am very active, always around on discord and always happy to help and talk to people. I play on PC and PS4 a lot- mainly FIFA and Rocket League and I have a season ticket for my local football team Dover Athletic.