Peak Titans

Peak titans

About the clan


Clan description

Peak Titans is the newest of the Peak clans, launched in February of 2023. Titans broke a record by being filled with an average TH of around 10 within 2 days, causing it to become a base to active players almost immediately. Within the first few wars, we got a 15 war win streak, with only 2 losses. Titans has a fantastically strong amount of mentoring players, and accepts TH5+ players.

Like the other Peak Dynasty clans, we do back to back wars, max clan games, and have a building clan capital with weekly raids. We have a high amount of donations and activity, and we really focus on getting good results and embracing the clan family spirit present in Peak.

Peak Titans is open to new, serious and willing to learn members with some beer and pizza on Fridays. If you like the sound of hanging with us, apply through the Discord.

Clan Chief

BulletBill - BulletBill#1967

Hey! I'm Bill. I've been playing clash since before there were wars and I think when TH10 was brand new. I probably have a pair of socks older than most of the newer members here. If I'm not on Clash of Clans I'm probably at work as I own a personal training business, or down at some of my favourite local breweries.